Ksyen Regional Hospital - Terrace, BC

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Project Overview

People in Terrace and surrounding areas now have access to the new state-of-the-art Ksyen Regional Hospital, which opened Sunday, Nov. 24, 2024. For more, see this BC Government news release: New hospital in Terrace open for patients

The new hospital is more than twice the size of the previous facility and has 82 beds, private rooms, a bigger emergency department space, including two trauma bays, six stretcher bays, pediatric care space and four operating rooms, as well as the latest diagnostic imaging equipment.

The hospital opened ahead of schedule. Initially, construction was anticipated to be complete in 2025

Project Overview

People in Terrace and surrounding areas now have access to the new state-of-the-art Ksyen Regional Hospital, which opened Sunday, Nov. 24, 2024. For more, see this BC Government news release: New hospital in Terrace open for patients

The new hospital is more than twice the size of the previous facility and has 82 beds, private rooms, a bigger emergency department space, including two trauma bays, six stretcher bays, pediatric care space and four operating rooms, as well as the latest diagnostic imaging equipment.

The hospital opened ahead of schedule. Initially, construction was anticipated to be complete in 2025. The project cost of $633 million is being shared between the provincial government, through Northern Health, and the North West Regional Hospital District, which is contributing $120.2 million.

  • Working through the night December 15 & 16

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    Large concrete pours for the new Seven Sisters will take place on the Mills Memorial Hospital construction site on December 15 and 16.

    Workers will be on site past 7 PM and into the night on both these days in order to finish the concrete. As a result, there will be some additional lighting and equipment will make some noise. The workers will do their best to control the noise levels and keep lights from shining into nearby residents.

    Most concrete work is completed throughout the day. However, when large pours take place, it is sometimes necessary to work longer hours to finish the concrete.

    We apologize for the inconvenience in advance.

  • Slowing down for the holidays

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    Heads up that only a few workers will be on site between December 23 and January 3. The majority will be at home, celebrating the holidays, and enjoying a much deserved break. Hopefully you get to do the same!

  • MMH project featured in 2022 Progress Magazine

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    Our project has one again been featured in this year's Progress Magazine. Go to page 9 to learn more about Northern Health's largest ever capital project.

  • Planning for patient care at the new hospital

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    The construction and design of the new hospital and Seven Sisters are still an important focus of the Mills Memorial Replacement project. However, we are also ramping up planning and work around patient care and operations at the new facilities.

    Staffing and recruitment plans underway

    We are currently working to determine the exact staffing levels that will be needed for both new facilities. With an increase in services, a significant increase in the number of staff in various positions will be necessary. Staffing plans must consider many factors, including who to hire, and how to balance the duties and workloads of different staff in different departments.

    Anne Chisholm, Transition CoordinatorTransition Coordinator hired

    Getting the facility ready for patient use includes preparing physical space, equipment, and technology. But people need to be ready too. New space and technology mean new ways of working for staff, physicians, and managers who need to be supported with training and development to provide care and service with the new workflows, new equipment and new technologies. Patients and families and the broader community will also need to be supported to get to know the new hospital.

    Anne Chisholm has joined the project to help coordinate and support staff, physicians, and managers to become ready to provide care, services and supports in the new hospital and Seven Sisters. She has over 35 years of experience in health care, first as a staff nurse followed by many years of management and leadership work in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and British Columbia. Two of her recent projects include the establishment of the Primary Care Medical Unit at UHNBC and the Urgent Care Centre in Prince George. Anne is excited by challenges and successes that come with working collaboratively to solve problems. She will quickly become a familiar face around the hospital. Say hello when you see her!

    More supports

    • A Recruitment and Retention Ambassador position specifically for Northwest BC has been created. The role will play a big part in recruitment efforts for the new facilities in Terrace.
    • A Physician Lead position, who will help with the transition and recruitment of physicians for the new facilities, is in development.
    • A company that specializes in healthcare facility transitions will support the physical move from the current hospital to the new one.

    More info

    For a list of potential employment opportunities read the post: FAQ: How many new staff will you hire?

    Job listings and more info about working for Northern Health can be found at: https://careers.northernhealth.ca

  • Last pieces of Sleeping Beauty removed

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    The few remaining pieces of the Sleeping Beauty building are being removed from site today. The building was originally built in 1961 and was demolished last week to make room for the new hospital.

    Learn more about Sleeping Beauty's history and the area being cleared.

  • November 2022 - Quarterly Project Update

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    Download a pdf of the November 2022 Quarterly Project Update.


    Construction advancing steadily

    Cranes removed

    Over four days at the start of October, the two tower cranes on the Mills Memorial Hospital (MMH) construction site were dismantled and removed. The two cranes were initially erected last summer to move heavy equipment and materials. With the structural bulk of the new hospital complete, smaller mobile cranes or teleporters, which are forklifts with an extending boom, will be used to move materials to upper floor locations.

    Workers installing exterior insulation and siding on west side of new hospitalPreparing for winter and work inside

    Construction of the new hospital remains on schedule. While timeline adjustments due to labour and supply channel disruptions are always a possibility, to date the Mills Memorial Hospital Replacement project has not been affected.

    Workers continue to install insulation and siding on the exterior of the building and the shell of the new facility should be complete by the end of the year. With the shell in place, work can continue inside the building throughout the winter. Some work is already happening inside the building such as mechanical and electrical work, and placement and installation of boilers, air handling units, and steel studs in various departments on the first two floors. Various pieces of equipment also continue to be delivered and installed as they arrive.

    More workers on site

    The total number of workers on site varies depending on the specific work requirements at any give time. Throughout the past few months, the number of workers on site has increased significantly, from fewer than 200 to more than 250 workers. Over the course of the project, over 80 regional businesses have also secured contracts and supplied goods or services to the project with many continuing to service and supply the project.

    New Seven Sisters Underway

    Construction of the new Seven Sisters has begun and is expected to be complete by the end of 2023. The foundation for the new facility is underway and concrete pours are beginning this month.

    Start of new Seven Sisters foundationSeven Sisters is a regional mental-health facility that provides long-term rehabilitation and recovery programs for adults living with serious and persistent mental illness. The redevelopment will allow more people to receive care in a larger space with additional amenities. The new Seven Sisters will be nearly twice as big as the existing building and include 25 beds, which is an increase from the current 20. The new facility will also add treatment rooms, meeting spaces and recreational facilities. Patients will have access to abundant natural light and outdoor space.

    Both the new Seven Sisters and the new hospital are being built on the same site as the existing facilities. The new Seven Sisters will be on the southwestern corner of the site to the left of the existing hospital's main entrance.

    Farewell Sleeping Beauty

    The Sleeping Beauty building is no more. The building was demolished earlier this month to make room for the new Mills Memorial hospital and parking at the future facility. While it’s sad to say goodbye to a building with such rich history, it’s exciting to make way for the new hospital.

    Sleeping Beauty was originally built in 1961. Over its lifetime, the building has had many purposes, including being a nurses' residence and a place for visiting specialists and expectant mothers. For many years, it was home to Terrace's pediatric services. Soon after construction of the new hospital began, pediatric services moved to the Park Avenue medical clinic. In the future, pediatric services will move to the Keith Avenue mall, across the street from the new hospital. In the last few months, Sleeping Beauty served as an office for PCL, the main contractor designing and building the new hospital.


    The construction and design of the new hospital and Seven Sisters are still an important focus of the Mills Memorial Replacement project. However, we are also ramping up planning and work around patient care and operations at the new facilities.

    Staffing and recruitment plans underway
    We are currently working to determine the exact staffing levels that will be needed for both new facilities. With an increase in services, a significant increase in the number of staff in various positions will be necessary. Staffing plans must consider many factors, including who to hire, and how to balance the duties and workloads of different staff in different departments.

    Transition Coordinator hired

    GAnne Chisholm,
    Transition Coordinator
    etting the facility ready for patient use includes preparing physical space, equipment, and technology. But people need to be ready too. New space and technology mean new ways of working for staff, physicians, and managers who need to be supported with training and development to provide care and service with the new workflows, new equipment and new technologies. Patients and families and the broader community will also need to be supported to get to know the new hospital.

    Anne Chisholm has joined the project to help coordinate and support staff, physicians, and managers to become ready to provide care, services and supports in the new hospital and Seven Sisters. She has over 35 years of experience in health care, first as a staff nurse followed by many years of management and leadership work in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and British Columbia. Two of her recent projects include the establishment of the Primary Care Medical Unit at UHNBC and the Urgent Care Centre in Prince George. Anne is excited by challenges and successes that come with working collaboratively to solve problems. She will quickly become a familiar face around the hospital. Say hello when you see her!

    More supports

    • A Recruitment and Retention Ambassador position specifically for Northwest BC has been created. The role will play a big part in recruitment efforts for the new facilities in Terrace.
    • A Physician Lead position, who will help with the transition and recruitment of physicians for the new facilities, is in development.
    • A company that specializes in healthcare facility transitions will support the physical move from the current hospital to the new one.
  • Video: Sleeping Beauty demolition

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    A backhoe opens a hole in the roof of the Sleeping Beauty as the building demolition begins on November 3, 2022. Click on the photo to see a short video.

  • Alert! Increased activity on Haugland

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    More traffic will be coming in and out of Gate 2 on Haugland Avenue.

    Construction of the new Seven Sisters, on the southwest corner of the hospital site, has begun. That means more contractors and suppliers are now using the site entrance (Gate 2) on Haugland Avenue, and traffic in this area has increased.

    We suggest those who tend to travel or park along Haugland, especially near Eby Street, aim to park elsewhere and be cautious.

    The new Seven Sisters is expected to be complete by the end of 2023.

    The foundation of the building is now underway and concrete will start to be poured next week.

  • Farewell Sleeping Beauty

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    In preparation for its demolition, Sleeping Beauty has been fenced off and workers have been removing materials from the building.

    Starting Monday, October 31, the Sleeping Beauty building on Tetrault Street will be demolished over approximately five days.

    The demolition of Sleeping Beauty is necessary to make room for the new Mills Memorial hospital and parking at the future facility.

    While the demolition won’t be especially noisy, it may cause airborne dust. Depending on the weather, to mitigate this dust, the contractor will use hoses to dampen the material as needed. Still, we suggest neighbours keep windows closed during this time. It’s cold outside, so hopefully won’t be a problem!

    Temporary closure of Tetrault parking lot

    To accommodate the demolition of Sleeping Beauty, the new, temporary hospital parking lot on Tetrault street will be fenced off and unavailable between Sunday, October 30 and Sunday, November 6. This will ensure the safe movement of trucks removing materials from the site and prevent damage from flying debris.

    We understand any decrease in parking is difficult and we are working to find solutions to relieve this temporary situation next week.

    The Sleeping Beauty sign and building (behind it), before construction of the new hospital began.

    Multipurpose building with a rich history

    Sleeping Beauty was originally built in 1961. Over its lifetime, the building has had many purposes, including but not limited to being a nurses' residence as well as a place for visiting specialists and expectant mothers. For many years, it was home to Terrace's pediatric services. Soon after construction of the new hospital began, pediatric services to the Park Avenue medical clinic. In the future, pediatric services will move to the Keith Avenue mall, across the street from the new hospital.

    In the last few months, Sleeping Beauty served as an office for PCL, the main contractor designing and building the new hospital.

    While it’s sad to say goodbye to a building with such rich history, it’s exciting to make way for the new hospital.

  • New Seven Sisters construction underway

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    New Seven Sisters construction is underway!

    Artist rendering of the new Seven Sisters.

    In the last couple weeks, workers broke and removed the asphalt from the parking lot outside of the current Mills Memorial Hospital's psychiatric department. They also built up and leveled the ground in the area. This is so that work on the new Seven Sisters' foundation can begin.

    Seven Sisters is a regional mental-health facility that provides long-term rehabilitation and recovery programs for adults living with serious and persistent mental illness. The redevelopment will allow more people to receive care in a larger space with additional amenities.

    “The new Seven Sisters will ensure that when people in northwestern B.C. need mental-health support, they get timely, high-quality care close to home, which is crucial to their recovery,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health. “We are committed to continuing to build a strong healthcare service network in the region, which will help build resilient communities.”

    “When people make the brave decision to reach out for mental-health and substance-use supports, it’s crucial that these supports are available no matter where they live,” said Sheila Malcolmson, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions. “The new Seven Sisters in northwestern B.C. will bring more treatment options to northern communities, adding to the comprehensive and seamless continuum of mental-health and addictions care our government is building for all British Columbians.”

    October 16, 2022 new Seven Sisters siteNearly twice the size

    The new Seven Sisters will be nearly twice as big as the existing building and include 25 beds, which is an increase from the current 20. The new facility will also add treatment rooms, meeting spaces and recreational facilities. Patients will have access to abundant natural light and outdoor space.

    "Seven Sisters is a valuable facility in Northwest B.C. A new building is key to serving the needs of vulnerable populations in our region," said Colleen Nyce, Chair, Northern Health Board. "The increase in the number of beds, the size of the facility and the amenities in the facility will improve the quality of living and care for patients, and improve the ability for staff to give that care.”

    Part of the MMH Replacement Project

    The Seven Sisters project is part of the Mills Memorial Hospital Replacement project.

    Both the new Seven Sisters and new hospital are being built on the same site as the existing facilities. The new Seven Sisters will be on the southwestern corner of the site to the left of the existing hospital's main entrance.

    The existing Seven Sisters facility will be demolished, and the site will be used for the new hospital.

    The current Seven Sisters will eventually be demolished to make room for the new Mills Memorial Hospital. "Seeing the new Mills Memorial Hospital construction progress so smoothly and so quickly over the past year has been very rewarding for the people in our region," said Barry Pages, Chair, North West Regional Hospital District. "Now, with the construction of a new Seven Sisters beginning, the people of Northwest B.C. have even more to look forward to."

    The new mental-health facility is expected to be complete in late fall 2023.

    More Info

    Go to the Mills Memorial Construction Cam link to check out progress on what will be the future hospital and new Seven Sisters. To see the new Seven Sisters site camera, select 'Mills Memorial Hospital 2' under location, on the left side of the page.

    Read the October 19, 2022 BC government news release 'Construction starts on new mental-health facility in Terrace'.

Page last updated: 27 Nov 2024, 11:33 AM