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Premier Eby visits new hospital and Seven Sisters
Share Premier Eby visits new hospital and Seven Sisters on Facebook Share Premier Eby visits new hospital and Seven Sisters on Twitter Share Premier Eby visits new hospital and Seven Sisters on Linkedin Email Premier Eby visits new hospital and Seven Sisters linkPremier David Eby took time out of his busy schedule in Terrace, on Friday, March 18, to visit the new hospital and new Seven Sisters. Northern Health representatives, including Board Chair Colleen Nyce, were pleased to have the chance to discuss the future of health care in the region with the Premier.
Northern Health Board Chair Colleen Nyce (left) welcomes BC Premier David Eby and others.
Group photo including BC Premier David Eby, MLAs Jennifer Rice and Nathan Cullen, Terrace Mayor Sean Bujtas, and Northern Health and PCL staff and representatives.
Enjoying the natural light and sunshine in the new cancer care area in the new hospital.
The ceiling and floor design in the new hospital's Spiritual Space replicates flowing water, a symbol of healing.
BC Premier David Eby (centre) and Northern Health representatives and staff outside the new Seven Sisters.
New Seven Sisters is open!
Share New Seven Sisters is open! on Facebook Share New Seven Sisters is open! on Twitter Share New Seven Sisters is open! on Linkedin Email New Seven Sisters is open! linkNorthern Health gets the ‘golden key’ to the new Seven Sisters from representatives of PCL Constructors Westcoast. Seven Sisters staff and residents have successfully moved into the new site! Staff and residents are settling into their lovely new space, having spent their first night in the new facility last night.
Read the Northern Health news release below about this exciting milestone.
And check out a video tour of the inside of the new facility.
New, bigger mental health facility opens in Terrace
People with serious mental health challenges in Terrace and the surrounding communities are benefiting from better care at the new Seven Sisters facility at Mills Memorial Hospital.
“People living with ongoing mental-health challenges need dedicated care in a space equipped to meet their daily needs as they work on their long-term recovery,” said Jennifer Whiteside, Minister for Mental Health and Addictions. “This newly expanded facility in Terrace will benefit patients, families, and the entire community by helping more people get the help they need to lead their best lives.”
Located in Terrace, Seven Sisters is a regional mental-health facility that provides long-term rehabilitation and recovery programs for adults living with serious and persistent mental illness. The new facility is nearly twice as big as the previous one and has 25 patient beds, an increase from 20.
“I am absolutely thrilled that the new Seven Sisters mental health facility in Terrace ia now open and operational. Our aim, as always, is to continually strengthen and improve health-care services for patients and residents, as well as the physicians and staff who provide care,” said Colleen Nyce, chair, Northern Health board of directors. “The new Seven Sisters is one more example of our commitment to ensuring high-quality support and care close to home for those who need it most.”
Along with new, modern furniture and equipment, staff and patients will benefit from the building’s many new features, including a multi-sensory room, various recreational spaces, more treatment rooms, staff and meeting spaces, and enhanced security features. Five of the residential rooms in the facility are also located in apartment-type spaces. These will allow residents to experience and better transition to independent living.
“Both staff and residents are excited to be in the new building and look forward to settling in,” said Clare Hart, Director of Specialized Services, Northwest Health Services Delivery Area, Northern Health. “We will continue to cultivate spaces of compassion, resilience and transformation, where every individual’s journey towards wellness is honored and supported.”
The new Seven Sisters is part of the Mills Memorial Hospital (MMH) replacement project. The new facility is located on the same site as the new and existing hospital, as well as the former Seven Sisters building, which will be removed to make room for part of the new hospital.
From left to right, in photo
• Brent Ponsford, Assistant Superintendent, PCL
• Brad Leier, Manager, Specialized Services – Acute/Tertiary, NW HSDA, NH
• Clare Hart, Director, Specialized Services, NW HSDA, NH
• Anne Chisholm, Lead – Health Services Administrator, Terrace & Stewart/Activation and Move, MMH Replacement Project, NH
• Rachel Rosales, Project Manager, PCL
• Michael King, Construction Manager, PCL
One of two residential eating areas in the new Seven Sisters.
Celebrating two years of construction!
Share Celebrating two years of construction! on Facebook Share Celebrating two years of construction! on Twitter Share Celebrating two years of construction! on Linkedin Email Celebrating two years of construction! linkOnly a couple years ago the MMH construction site was an empty lot. See the images below comparing the site now to two years ago.
And now we are celebrating the following milestones!
- Canopies for the new hospital’s main entrance and emergency entrance on Tetrault Street are in place.
- Inside the new facility, more than 90% of the walls are framed, 65% are drywalled and 60% are taped.
- Millwork has begun.
- Flooring is complete in four departments.
- New Seven Sisters’ building envelope was completed in May 2023 and framing and drywalling has begun inside.
In May 2021, the MMH Construction Site had just been cleared of trees.
In May 2023, the exterior shell of the hospital is mainly complete and most of the work is happening inside the building
REM Lee Foundation launches 'Closer to Home' fundraising campaign
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n June 3, the Dr. R.E.M. Lee Hospital foundation announced the largest fundraising campaign in its history to create a crucially needed Tier 3 level Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and Special Care Nursery at the new hospital in Terrace.
The need for such a facility is vitally important: over the last four years, 104 mothers with complicated or pre-term births were transferred from Mills Memorial Hospital (MMH) to facilities capable of a higher level of care. Sixty infants and their mothers made often hazardous journeys to other hospitals-with two-thirds of them leaving the region.
"Although not originally a part of the MMH rebuild, this is a once-in-a generation opportunity" said Foundation Chair Ron Bartlett, a member of the Kitsumkalum nation.
Dr. Anita Adlam, a pediatrician responsible for acute pediatric care at MMH, concurred, "If newborns need anything more than rooming in with their mum, we just don't have the capacity to look after them, and we often end up sending patients out to other facilities."
Currently mothers and infants that need emergent care, must experience often stressful and weather-dependent medical evacuation to either Prince George (Tier 4) or Vancouver (Tier 6.) Having care closer to home means mothers and babies will be surrounded by the people they need and their families less burdened by the financial and emotional costs of travel and long-term stays in unfamiliar settings.
MMH's level of neonatal and maternal services will increase from Tier 2 to Tier 3. There is no other facility that offers Tier 3 level services in the Northwest Health Services area.
"This project is an investment in Northwest B.C. families, the future of our First Nations communities and our young workers," said Bartlett. "Our fund raising committee members are committed, with your help, to achieving this vitally important goal."
Donate today!
Donations to the Dr. R.E.M. Lee Hospital Foundation in support of this project can be made by calling (250) 641-5526 or online at
Donations are tax-deductible, Charitable Registration Number 11923 0399 RR0001
The Dr. R.E.M. Lee Hospital Foundation, a volunteer charitable organization, was created in 1988 to raise funds in support of Mills Memorial Hospital and Terraceview Lodge. Our mandate is to increase and improve the provision of medical care to those who live in the area of Terrace, British Columbia, whether through direct medical services and facilities or medical and educational research which enhances those services and facilities.
Dr. REM Lee Foundation, Northern Health and Newcrest Mining representatives celebrate 'Closer to Home' campaign launch on June 3, 2023 at the Kitsumkalum Health Walk.
Happy one year anniversary!
Share Happy one year anniversary! on Facebook Share Happy one year anniversary! on Twitter Share Happy one year anniversary! on Linkedin Email Happy one year anniversary! linkStaff and physicians at Mills Memorial Hospital were treated to cake on Wednesday, June 22, to celebrate one year of construction of the new hospital. The construction site was also unusually quiet over the lunch hour, as PCL treated workers on site to a catered meal from the popular Terrace food truck Redneck Kitchen, for the anniversary.
One of four cakes celebrating one year of project construction.
Longtime Northern Health employee Patrick Sharyk enjoys a slice.
Administrative Assistant Nicole Demedeiros serves a piece of the action to cafeteria worker Lora Gogag.
Workers on the new Mills Memorial Hospital construction site take a break to enjoy a free catered lunch, courtesy of PCL, celebrating one year of construction .
First concrete pour means construction has begun!
Share First concrete pour means construction has begun! on Facebook Share First concrete pour means construction has begun! on Twitter Share First concrete pour means construction has begun! on Linkedin Email First concrete pour means construction has begun! linkThe first concrete pour happened on Monday, July 12 marking a milestone event on the Mills Memorial hospital site - construction of the new hospital has begun!
To date, much of the work on site has been preparing for construction. That includes clearing the land, installing fences and other safety precautions, bringing in equipment, and digging the foundation.
It's official! We are building a new hospital!
Share It's official! We are building a new hospital! on Facebook Share It's official! We are building a new hospital! on Twitter Share It's official! We are building a new hospital! on Linkedin Email It's official! We are building a new hospital! linkAfter years of planning and anticipation, construction of the new Mills Memorial Hospital replacement project and the new Seven Sisters facility is underway. Today, we celebrated virtually - on Zoom - the start of construction with the Ministry of Health.
Some staff gathered in the cafeteria at the current Mills Memorial Hospital to celebrate the long-awaited news and watch the Zoom celebration together. We ordered special cupcakes and delivered them to all Northern Health staff in Terrace.
The new Mills Memorial Hospital will be a significant investment in the community and region. At $622.6 million, it represents the largest capital investment in Northern Health’s history.
Read: BC Gov News Release | Construction starts on new Mills Memorial Hospital
Watch: Construction start celebration video with Minister of Health
Mills Memorial Replacement project approved
Share Mills Memorial Replacement project approved on Facebook Share Mills Memorial Replacement project approved on Twitter Share Mills Memorial Replacement project approved on Linkedin Email Mills Memorial Replacement project approved linkMay 2019
On May 21, 2019 the Business Plan for the Mills memorial Hospital replacement project was approved by the Treasury Board and announced by the Ministry of Health. The Northern Health Capital Projects team is now moving quickly to move the project forward and start the exciting work of procurement, and ultimately construction.These next steps are integral to the process of replacing the hospital. The Procurement phase will be led by a project director, leading a planning team who reports to the Project Board (members from Ministry of Health, Northern Health and other stakeholders). The project Board is accountable to the Ministry of Health to ensure the project is implemented following the government-approved business plan and government capital asset management policies.The project procurement process involves a series of consecutive pieces of work to identify the contractor to build the facility – this series includes a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), followed by a Request for Proposals (RFP), followed by the identification of Preferred Proponent, Final Approval & Financial Close.The procurement phase can last up to 18 months; however, once completed, construction typically begins quickly.Replacing Mills memorial Hospital will be staged, to ensure that the transition is ultimately focused on ease for patients and staff at every point of care. The first stage will involve the replacement of the Seven Sisters facility, which will be rebuilt in the area beside the current psychiatric services area. This work will commence in early Fall, 2019 after the RFP has been completed.Photo Minister of Health, Honourable Adrian Dix, announces to a happy crowd that a new hospital will be built in Terrace.