Stuart Lake Hospital Replacement - Fort St. James, BC
Project Overview
We are building a new, state-of-the-art hospital in Fort St. James on the territory of the Nak'azdli to address current and future patient care needs.
Triple the size of the existing facility (approximately 6,300 square feet), the new hospital will model excellence in health care, incorporating modern best practices and standards, as well as bringing multiple health services under one roof. The new hospital will improve the healing environment and provide culturally-safe care for residents of Fort St. James, surrounding areas, and local Indigenous communities.
The new hospital will feature:
- 27 beds: 18 community care andContinue reading
Project Overview
We are building a new, state-of-the-art hospital in Fort St. James on the territory of the Nak'azdli to address current and future patient care needs.
Triple the size of the existing facility (approximately 6,300 square feet), the new hospital will model excellence in health care, incorporating modern best practices and standards, as well as bringing multiple health services under one roof. The new hospital will improve the healing environment and provide culturally-safe care for residents of Fort St. James, surrounding areas, and local Indigenous communities.
The new hospital will feature:
- 27 beds: 18 community care and 9 acute care
- An emergency department with two treatment rooms, a trauma bay, and a covered ambulance bay
- A Primary Care Centre, consolidating services currently offered in Fort St. James to one location
- Expanded laboratory and diagnostic imaging
- An in-house Spiritual Space and Gathering Space
- Larger space for palliative care, including a palliative care lounge and garden
- Culturally and medicinally significant landscaping with outdoor spaces and gardens developed in collaboration with local Indigenous Elders and plant experts
- Construction of 85 parking stalls, greatly increasing parking capacity
If you have any questions about the project, feel free to reach out to our team at
RFQ closed: 5 responses & next steps
Share RFQ closed: 5 responses & next steps on Facebook Share RFQ closed: 5 responses & next steps on Twitter Share RFQ closed: 5 responses & next steps on Linkedin Email RFQ closed: 5 responses & next steps linkOn June 18, 2020, the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the Stuart Lake Hospital Redevelopment Project closed and Northern Health received five responses from design-builder teams. Northern Health, with Partnerships BC, completed their evaluation and recommended a shortlist of three teams to proceed to the next stage of the process.
The next step in this process will be the release of the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the project to the three proponents shortlisted in the RFQ, this was issued on August 4th, 2020. This RFP process is open only to the top three companies that were shortlisted through the initial RFQ process. They are Clark Builders Design-Builder, Graham Design Builders LP, and The Design-Builder joint venture (JV) partnership between Smith Bros. and Wilson (BC) Ltd. (SBW) and 1229917 BC Ltd., a corporation wholly owned by Wright Construction Western Inc. (Wright).
The first RFP closes in October 2020, and Northern Health, with their consulting team, will evaluate the proposals to select one team to execute a Design Early Works Agreement and then proceed to the next stage, the second RFP for the construction.
A request for Qualifications (RFQ) is a process that allows organizations to consider proposals based on the experience and qualifications of firms interested in submission (a straight tender considers only price). A scoring matrix is included in this process, so that bidders understand what the organization is looking for. This assists in eliminating potential issues, including the avoidance of unqualified bidders submitting the lowest bid. An RFQ also encourages bidders who might otherwise not submit if the field of competition appears too large and the chances of bid success are presumed low. Putting together an accurate yet competitive tender price is a lot of work. If there is a higher likelihood that an unqualified bidder could put in a low bid then this discourages qualified and appropriate bidders from submitting.
Bidders passing the RFQ (usually up to three) are then able to respond to the next step of the procurement (a Tender or Request for Proposals, RFP) which then results in a Construction Contract (this type of contract requires that the contractor agree to be responsible for job execution at a set price).
It's Official!
Share It's Official! on Facebook Share It's Official! on Twitter Share It's Official! on Linkedin Email It's Official! linkThe replacement of Stuart Lake Hospital in Fort St. James was announced by BC Premier John Horgan on January 18, 2020. Northern Health is now moving quickly to move the project forward and start the work of procurement, and ultimately construction.
New hospital approved for Fort St. James
Share New hospital approved for Fort St. James on Facebook Share New hospital approved for Fort St. James on Twitter Share New hospital approved for Fort St. James on Linkedin Email New hospital approved for Fort St. James linkBetter care is on the way for people in Fort St. James and the surrounding region. The Stuart Lake Hospital replacement project has received the official green light, with government approval of the concept plan.
“It’s a go! This new hospital has been needed for a long time, and is why Premier John Horgan and I made it a key priority in our efforts to improve health care throughout northern B.C.,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health. “The new hospital will bring better acute, primary and community care for people living in Fort St. James, local First Nations and the surrounding area. For a growing senior population in the region and for the economy as a whole, it is an essential public service.
SLH Business Plan Progress
Share SLH Business Plan Progress on Facebook Share SLH Business Plan Progress on Twitter Share SLH Business Plan Progress on Linkedin Email SLH Business Plan Progress linkThe business plan phase - now underway - will finalize details such as scope and budget for the replacement of Stuart Lake Hospital. This stage takes approximately 12 to 18 months – current planned submission for review by government is end of 2019
When the Business case has been developed and completed the plan will be submitted to government for scope and funding approval. Upon completion of Business Planning the project will move into procurement followed by construction. All costs will be finalized in the business planning phase.
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