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May Engagement Update
Share May Engagement Update on Facebook Share May Engagement Update on Twitter Share May Engagement Update on Linkedin Email May Engagement Update linkChristine (our Communications & Community Engagement Liaison) has had a busy month getting out into the community and sharing updates on the new hospital build. Here are some highlights from May:
Northern Health Leadership Forum
To kick off the month, our team had the opportunity to showcase the Stuart Lake Hospital Replacement Project alongside the Mills Memorial Hospital and Dawson Creek & District Hospital replacement projects at the annual Northern Health Spring Leadership Forum in Prince George.
This year’s forum welcomed more than 100 leaders from across the region for two days of education, collaboration, and networking. In addition to the daily speakers and breakout sessions, the leaders explored 50+ demo pods centered around Digital Health, SaferCare, and HealthSpaces.
Our new build project booths, located in the HealthSpaces area, featured:
- Exciting information about the projects
- Draft renderings of the new facilities
- Construction progress photos and video walk-throughs
- Construction time lapse videos
- Swag and giveaways
- And two 3D printed cranes!
Left: Communications & Community Engagement Liaisons Christine Midgley (Stuart Lake Hospital), Ashley Pannozzo (Dawson Creek & District Hospital), and Sarah Artis (Mills Memorial Hospital) get ready to greet conference-goers. Middle: A 3D-printed replica of the crane at the Dawson Creek site. Right: Christine showcases the progress on the new Stuart Lake Hospital.
Healthcare Travelling Roadshow
While the UNBC Healthcare Travelling Roadshow (coordinated by the Northern Medical Program) visited Fort St. James, we took the opportunity to take the future doctors on a virtual tour of the new Stuart Lake Hospital! The Nechako portion of the roadshow (Vanderhoof, Fort St. James, Hazelton, Dease Lake, Stewart) made a pit stop at Fort St. James Secondary school to present to students on May 13th.
Each spring, post-secondary medical students from across the province hit the road to visit schools in Northern BC, inspiring high school students to consider health care as a future career. After an exciting morning of facilitating hands-on demonstrations to the high schoolers, the roadshow crew was ready for the lunch spread organized by the Primary Care Society.
Over lunch, we shared the construction time lapse of the new hospital build, renderings of the facility, interior progress photos, and had conversations about the community engagement we’ve done to ensure culturally-safe care.
Several of the future physicians expressed interest in returning to visit the hospital when it’s finished, so we look forward to hosting them again!
Future physicians from the Healthcare Travelling Roadshow lead hands-on learning at Fort St. James Secondary School.
Seniors Association Potluck
We’d heard rave reviews about the Stuart Lake Seniors Association potlucks in the past, so we were excited to get an invitation this month! After the most incredible spread of home-cooked food and fantastic company, we can see why it’s the hot event in town.
Christine walked the attendees through a virtual hospital tour, showcasing construction progress, renderings, and additional information on what to expect with the upcoming naming and art selection working groups.
Thank you to Lynn Dunkley for the invitation, and to the entire Seniors Association for being fantastic hosts.
Our Northern Health bear is set up and ready for a potluck party!
If your group/organization would like members of our team to share a presentation with your team or to set up an information booth at an event, please reach out to
A Blessing for the Land
Share A Blessing for the Land on Facebook Share A Blessing for the Land on Twitter Share A Blessing for the Land on Linkedin Email A Blessing for the Land linkOn Friday, May 27, 2022, in pouring rain, a small ceremony was held on the grounds of the Stuart Lake Hospital. Led by Jolene Prince of Nak’azdli Whut'en, the ceremony blessed the ground, the current and future hospital buildings, the health of those who contribute to health care in the community and those who seek healing at the Stuart Lake Hospital.
A small group representing partner Indigenous Nations, Northern Health staff and leaders, physicians, and groups who contributed to the planning and building of the new hospital assembled for the blessing. Prayers and hopes for the new hospital, for its staff, physicians, and patients were spoken by all, and appreciation for the collaboration and hard work required to organize and build the hospital were expressed.
This quiet occasion acknowledged the hard work of community and partners over many years to bring this project to the threshold of construction. Many more opportunities to connect and celebrate lie in the future.
Keep track of updates to the hospital replacement project here, at Let’s Talk, and on Facebook. Reach out with questions to Stay in touch and stay tuned for milestones to celebrate and opportunities to connect.
Wilf Adam, Northern Health Board Member, joins Jolene Prince in prayers for a culturally safe and healthy hospital
Elders from Nak'azdli, Tl'azt'en and Binche Nation came together with community members and NH staff for the ground blessing ceremony
Betsy Dennis of Binche
Greg Marr, SOO Northern Interior Rural and Co-Chair of the Stuart Lake Hospital Replacement Project, and Binche Health Director Carrie Nash
Primary Care Society Chair Ann McCormick drumming
Councillor Dr. Paul Stent has worked in health care in Fort St. James since 1988
Doreen Austin from Tl'azt'en honoured the ceremony with song