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Changes to parking

New, temporary, employee parking lot in front of hospital

Ultimately, parking at the new Mills Memorial Hospital will be double what’s available now, going from approximately 150 to 300 spaces.

In the meantime, however, as the project’s main contractor PCL and Northern Health delicately juggle building a new hospital while continuing to operate the current hospital on the same site, visitors will once again notice a change in parking.

The most recent changes include:

  1. A new, temporary, employee-only parking lot has been added on Haugland Avenue, west of the main entrance.

  2. The parking lot next to the psychiatric ward, just off Haugland Avenue, is no longer accessible.

  3. Only authorized vehicles are now allowed in the parking area just beyond the emergency department. This means visitors can no longer park in that area nor drive through and exit onto Haugland Avenue.

Area close to emergency department now only open to authorized vehicles

These changes are necessary as construction of the new hospital continues and site prep work for the new Seven Sisters facility begins.

To alleviate the impact of these steps in the construction process, last summer, PCL built a temporary gravel parking lot with 70 new spots. This new lot adjacent to Tetrault Street, in between the current hospital and current Seven Sisters facility, has been in use since July 2021.

Thank you for adhering to all parking rules as we move forward with this exciting project!

Categories: #construction, #sevensisters, #parking
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