Celebrating two years of construction!

Only a couple years ago the MMH construction site was an empty lot. See the images below comparing the site now to two years ago.

And now we are celebrating the following milestones!

  • Canopies for the new hospital’s main entrance and emergency entrance on Tetrault Street are in place.
  • Inside the new facility, more than 90% of the walls are framed, 65% are drywalled and 60% are taped.
  • Millwork has begun.
  • Flooring is complete in four departments.
  • New Seven Sisters’ building envelope was completed in May 2023 and framing and drywalling has begun inside.

In May 2021, the MMH Construction Site had just been cleared of trees.

In May 2023, the exterior shell of the hospital is mainly complete and most of the work is happening inside the building

Categories: #construction, #event
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