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  • Alert! Road closure near hospital

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    The section of Haugland Avenue, between Eby Street and the nearest hospital entrance (see photo for exact location), will be closed for approximately two weeks starting this Saturday, July 24, as storm and water drainage systems are upgraded as part of the construction of a new Hospital.

    Only pedestrians and local residents with private driveways on the north side of Haugland will be able to access the area while work is underway. The area will be closed to drivers and cyclists from the general public.

    We suggest anyone driving to and from the hospital, use Tetrault Street.

    Please follow all signage and obey traffic personnel if you are in the area.

    For more information about the upgrades, go to:

  • New, temporary parking lot near Tetrault

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    A new parking lot on the east side of the Mills Memorial hospital site, which fits approximately 70 vehicles, is now available for use.

    The new gravel lot, adjacent to Tetrault Street and north of the hospital, aims to accommodate a growing number of hospital staff and reduce street parking. Because of its distance to the hospital entrance, the new lot is intended mainly for staff use. However, the spots have no restrictions.

    This lot is temporary and will be removed when the area is required to accommodate the building of the new hospital – likely in the summer of 2023.

    Under Construction


  • Alert! Haugland, near Eby, soon to be closed for 2 weeks

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    Starting shortly, only local residents will be able to drive or walk along a portion of Haugland Avenue, just west of the hospital, for close to two weeks as the area is being closed to the public. That’s because PCL will be upgrading the drainage and water systems in the area as part of the new Mills Memorial Hospital Replacement project. With the new facility planned to be more than twice the size of the current one, an increase in capacity in these systems is necessary.

    The work is being managed similarly to other work on streets in the City of Terrace, with approvals, permits and a traffic management plan. Signage and flaggers will guide traffic and pedestrian flow during the day, while work is underway. While the general public will not be able to access the area, locals who live on the section of road on which the work is taking place, will still be able to get to their residences with the help of the traffic control on site.

    PCL’s aim is to complete any work related to the new hospital, outside of the fenced construction site on the Mills Memorial property, as soon as possible. That way all future construction is contained within the site, minimizing local impacts. With Cassie Hall Elementary School just opposite the hospital, PCL waited until school was out for summer, for the sake of student safety and minimizing traffic interference, to complete these necessary upgrades.

    The upgrade work on Haugland will include cutting into the street, removing the asphalt, removing fill from underneath, and installing a large storm drain pipe approximately four metres under the surface, then refilling the area and covering it with new asphalt.

    A manhole in the centre of the Eby Street and Haugland Avenue intersection will also be created, to connect the new pipe to the city’s storm system, which flows north to south along Eby Street. While this work is taking place, traffic along Eby Street will likely be one-lane only - though exact details of the traffic management plan are under currently under review by the City of Terrace and subject to change.

    PCL will also be installing connections to the city’s existing water and sanitary lines on Haugland Avenue.

    The exact start date the street work will be posted once PCL has received all necessary approvals from the City. Hours of work will be approximately 7 am to 5:30pm, seven days a week.

  • First concrete pour means construction has begun!

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    The first concrete pour happened on Monday, July 12 marking a milestone event on the Mills Memorial hospital site - construction of the new hospital has begun!

    To date, much of the work on site has been preparing for construction. That includes clearing the land, installing fences and other safety precautions, bringing in equipment, and digging the foundation.

  • It's official! We are building a new hospital!

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    After years of planning and anticipation, construction of the new Mills Memorial Hospital replacement project and the new Seven Sisters facility is underway. Today, we celebrated virtually - on Zoom - the start of construction with the Ministry of Health.

    Some staff gathered in the cafeteria at the current Mills Memorial Hospital to celebrate the long-awaited news and watch the Zoom celebration together. We ordered special cupcakes and delivered them to all Northern Health staff in Terrace.

    The new Mills Memorial Hospital will be a significant investment in the community and region. At $622.6 million, it represents the largest capital investment in Northern Health’s history.

    Read: BC Gov News Release | Construction starts on new Mills Memorial Hospital

    Watch: Construction start celebration video with Minister of Health

  • Site work continues for new hospital

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    Water trucks and sprinklers are being used to help with the extreme heat and dust as the ground work preparations continue ahead of the construction of the new MMH hospital in Terrace!

  • Keeping it clean

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    Here's Master Sweeper heading out from the Mills Memorial Hospital site on one of its regular street cleaning sessions. As trucks have been hauling soil off the site over the past three weeks, to prepare the site for construction, PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc., has hired Master Sweeper to regularly clean the streets around the hospital and along the haul routes.

  • Alert! We're shaking things up - with vibration testing

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    Don't be alarmed if you feel some shaking around 3pm tomorrow, June 22. Vibration testing is happening on the Mills Memorial hospital site to ensure future construction won't impact community, patient and staff safety. Testing is happening during the day to make sure the hospital can safely operate at the same time as construction.

  • A fence, debris netting, glare shields, and more...

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    A chain link fence will start going up this week along the west side of the Mills Memorial Hospital site. This fence will be permanent fixture as it is part of the final plans of the new hospital designs, which are ongoing.

    Throughout construction, debris netting will be strung along the entire length and height of the fence, to help prevent dust and debris from entering adjacent neighbour yards. The netting will also provide more privacy for those neighbours.

    Once the new hospital is built, landscaping plans call for vegetation to be planted along the west side of the property. At the request of neighbours, privacy slats may also be installed in the fence.

    Since construction activity began on the Mills Memorial hospital site, Northern Health has been in touch with many surrounding neighbours, informing them of plans and discussing concerns about the impacts of construction. In addition to numerous emails and phone calls, we've hosted a virtual neighbourhood meeting, and continue to deliver notices to mailboxes, and post updates on this Lets Talk site and in the Northern Health Terrace/Kitimat Facebook group.

    Some impacts from construction are unfortunately inevitable. Northern Health and the contractor, PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc, are working hard to listen to neighbours’ concerns and minimize these impacts. Here's a few examples of what's being done to address concerns, minimize impacts and maximize safety.

    • Glare shields on parking lot lights
    • Water truck on site to spray down dust, on site and on roads
    • Street sweeper cleaning the streets
    • Speed limit signs
    • ongoing noise and vibration monitoring
    • Regular reminders to truck drivers and subcontractors to be mindful of neighbours

    A new hospital will ultimately benefit the entire community and region. As work continues, Northern Health looks forward to ongoing conversations with neighbours, community members, Indigenous groups and local and regional stakeholders about this exciting project.

  • What a difference 10 days can make!

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    Lots of exciting preparation work has been happening on the Mills Memorial Hospital site in anticipation of the construction of a new hospital.

    Over the last few weeks, the majority of the trees have been cleared from the site. Security fences have gone up around the perimeter and machines have been busy clearing the soil of stumps and roots.

    Check out how different the site looks from just 10 days ago.