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Mock-up review: Enhancing inpatient washroom design

Before the Christmas break, Graham Design-Builders conducted a detailed mock-up review of the inpatient washroom and accessories on-site of the new Hospital. This session was crucial for gathering user feedback and ensuring the design meets the highest standards of functionality and safety.

Representatives from NH Facilities Maintenance, Infection Prevention and Control, and Rehabilitation were in attendance to provide feedback on the placement of accessories. Key points of feedback included the:

  • Placement of the nightlight to ensure the space was sufficiently illuminated and to enhance visibility and safety during nighttime use
  • Location and size of swing-up grab bars
  • Placement of sink cleanout and shut off valves
  • Placement and width of the backrest to ensure compliance with the BC Building Code’s requirements
  • Height of the flush valve and any necessary supports to ensure it doesn’t interfere with the backrest
  • Placement of the Nurse Call, Emergency and Call Bell devices to ensure they are accessible without posing a ligature risk
  • Location of the paper towel dispenser to improve access near the sink and avoid patients bumping into it

Categories: Design
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