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Working groups provide valuable input

Northern Health is committed to receiving valuable input into design aspects of the new hospital through a mix of engagement initiatives, user consultations, committees and working groups. Engagement is a major part of Northern Health capital projects, and there will be many opportunities for input from the community as this project progresses.

The Dawson Creek and District Hospital (DCDH) Replacement Project has been supported by a Capital Advisory Committee (CAC) since October 2020. The CAC has representation from the local community, stakeholders and Indigenous representatives, and has provided guidance in relation to the project.

We have recently formed two additional sub-working groups to serve under the CAC and provide feedback and input into the design of the new hospital. The two new working groups are the Community Advisory Working Group (CAWG) and the Indigenous Advisory Working Group (IAWG). The purpose of these groups is to have a forum for members to provide input into design aspects of the project to ensure the new facility is locally and culturally safe, welcoming, respectful and relevant. The working groups inform the project to help ensure the facility reflects and supports the communities served by the Dawson Creek & District Hospital. Input and feedback gathered from all of these committees and groups is extremely valuable and we are tremendously grateful for the participation of the members.

Read the April 2023 Project Update to view the current CAWG and IAWG membership lists.

Feedback and input gathered from the working groups is filtered upwards. It first goes to the CAC, then it goes to the Project Steering Committee who, in collaboration with the Project Board, balances the complexities of a capital building project.

In addition to the CAC, IAWG, and CAWG, the project team works closely with small groups of “users” who represent their areas of expertise to gather feedback and input from a clinical point of view. The users work with the Design-Builder during User Consultation Meetings (UCM) and Special Topic Meetings (STM) to help them better understand over-arching concepts, ensure that all departments are situations correctly for the best clinical care and efficiencies and advise on standard operational best practices. Feedback and input gathered from the users is taken back to the Design-Builder for consideration and incorporation.

Categories: Working Groups and Committees, Engagement Initiatives, Design
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