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September Progress Photos

It's official! We're in the final weeks of the construction stage of the new hospital. Substantial completion is on track for October 8th. Once that milestone is reached, it's full speed ahead to 2025! Furniture will be moved in, staff will get trained in the new space, and we'll be ready to welcome patients in January.

Keep scrolling to see what the facility looks like now.

Front exterior

Accessible parking and electric vehicle spots in front of the facility

Main Lobby
Left: Registration Desk. Right: Hallway with display case for artwork

Emergency Department

Emergency Department
Left: IV room. Right top: Exam room. Right bottom: Emergency signage with English and Dakelh.

Long-term Care
Left: Nurses station, common space. Right: Hallway to resident rooms.

Long-term Care
Hallways to rooms.

Long-term Care
Left: Tub room. Right: Resident room.

Healing Garden

Healing Garden

Healing Garden

We can't wait to welcome the community into the new Stuart Lake Hospital in January 2025. Until then, check back for project updates and let us know what you're most excited for in the comments!

Categories: Construction, Design, Photos, Progress
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