Watering as much as possible
Recognizing the current extreme heat concerns in the Northwest and the rest of the province, Northern Health and the contractor working on the Mills Memorial Hospital site are working on solutions to manage the heat and dust-related issues.
A water truck is on site, and sprays the roads when trucks are hauling as often as possible. Sprinklers are also being installed on site, some of which are spraying trucks down before they go onto the road. (see photo)
Last week the contractor began installing a permanent chain link fence along the west side of the site. Once the fence is in place, debris netting will be added to cover the length and height of the fence. This netting should help prevent dust and debris from blowing into yards.
We understand that construction can be inconvenient for nearby residents. We are doing what we can to listen to concerns and minimize the impacts where possible.
The Mills Memorial Hospital Replacement Project includes building a new Seven Sisters mental health residence facility and a new, state-of-the-art hospital more than twice the size of the current one. The project will allow the hospital to provide new and expanded services not currently available, and is an important investment for future generations in Terrace and communities throughout Northwest BC.