No naming decision yet
A recent Terrace Standard newspaper article, published on April 27, stated that Northern Health has decided the name of the new hospital “will not be the one of the current facility – Mills Memorial Hospital.” This is incorrect. No decision about the name of the new hospital has yet been made. Northern Health is still in the process of working through the naming of the new hospital.
We understand there are strong feelings about the name of the existing Terrace hospital (Mills Memorial) and what the name might be for the new hospital. We are committed to listening to people who have an interest in the name. We are also committed to recognizing the traditional territory on which the hospital is located, recognizing the people of the region the hospital will serve, and acknowledging the history of the old hospital in the new hospital.
As we work through the naming of the new hospital, Northern Health will continue discussions with the Kitsumkalum and Kitselas First Nations, and community partners. There will also be opportunity for people to share their perspectives
Stay tuned. We will share more info as it becomes available.