Celebrate MMH. Share your story!

As part of the Terrace Festival of Trees, visitors put their stories on paper decorations and hung them on an 'MMH Story Tree'.

Let's celebrate MMH together through stories!

Help us honour the existing Mills Memorial Hospital in Terrace and all those who have worked and received care there.

Over the past 80 years, MMH has been part of many families’ stories – stories of joy, hope, change, and loss. As we look forward to the new hospital, we want to honour special moments that occurred at MMH.

Win a prize!

Names of all those who submit a story will be entered into a draw for ten $20 Tim Hortons gift cards!

The draw will be January 31, 2024. but we will continue to collect stories after this date.

How to submit

Share your story. Share a memory or what you will miss most. Share a sentence or a whole page. It's up to you.

Please include

  1. First and last name*
  2. Email
  3. Phone number
  4. Community you live in
  5. If you are Northern Health staff
  6. Photos (if you have some)

*Let us know if you don't want your name shared with your story, but we still need your first and last name, and contact info for our records.

Where will the stories be published?

Northern Health hopes to share these stories on various platforms, such as:

By submitting a story and/or photos, you are giving Northern Health permission to share these.

We look forward to reading and sharing your stories, and celebrating the hospital together!

Categories: #engagement
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